Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Separate lives?

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

Many Christians attempt to compartmentalize their lives into sacred and secular parts.  We are aware of God for an hour on Sunday mornings and perhaps for a few minutes each day when we read the Bible and pray, but we hardly think of Him the rest of the time. Pitiful. One of the most life-transforming concepts is the realization and acknowledgement that we are in God’s presence all day, every day, every MOMENT.  We can relate to Him, serve Him, and depend on Him—at work, at play, at home, in the car, at the store, in the bedroom and in the boardroom. Even if we fail to notice Him, He knows all about us. Nothing is hidden from His sight. All of our sin, wrong thinking, selfish ways, worldly habits, critical thoughts, our idols... We can get away with nothing. Before a word is on our tongue He knows it completely.
  Question to myself. Why don't I live in this reality?