Sunday, February 3, 2008

Politics- where are the ambassadors for Christ?

I am not much of a political person. I probably have an unfair sterotype of politicians based on the CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC stuff I see on TV. In fact I have a rather negative attitude toward the news people too. As a Christian seeking truth, it is hard for me to find anyone in politics, in the news and even in discussions at my work place and often in church that reflects Christ. That is pitiful. There is so much noise and propaganda on all sides about the economy, the Iraq war, gas prices, education, national security, illegal immigration, and health care. There is so much dis-unity among everyone, so much mean spiritedness, name calling, and disrespect that I wonder what Jesus thinks of us when we claim our nation is under God. When Jesus calls us to be lights in an exceedingly dark world I don't think He had political debates and news rooms in mind. I think He had the hearts of those that treasure Him and desire to be His ambassadors for His Righteouness. It scares me when I look at the choices of candidates . I know God is in control even when the wicked appear to prosper. I know I must trust in Him. I pray that God will have mercy on our depraved country and lift up one that is unashamed to speak His name and proclaim His values publicly. I pray that God awaken the hearts of those that are His to turn to Him and pray for wisdom and transformed minds. As a nation we do not deserve anything but God's wrath for our ungodly behaviour. Just listening to the politicians and commentators for a few minutes on TV I realize it is only His lovingkindness that stays His judgement. But for how long?